#ArtOffPause Tammy Johnson
Tammy Johnson shares her online work supporting communities of color through dance. Johnson is a dancer, producer, culture keeper, writer, equity consultant and godmother extraordinaire. For 15 years Johnson and Etang Inyang performed as the award-winning duet Raks Africa, and co-directed Girls Raks Bellydance and Body Image program. Johnson and Andrea Sendek currently coproduce Cirque Arabesques, a show inspired by Egypt’s national circus and community celebrations. Her solo work, Aiwa! was featured at Eastside Arts Alliance, she was the recipient of Deborah Slater’s Studio 210 Residency Program, and she performed as part of ChimaTEK: Hybridity Visualization Mandala, a piece created by artist Saya Woolfalk. As an independent consultant she has successfully brought somatics and artistic wisdom to the fore with groups like The Laundromat Project and the Young Women’s Freedom Center. Johnson co-produced “Colorlines: Race and Economic Recovery” with LinkTV, and has written for the Christian Science Monitor, The Huffington Post, and Colorlines.com. Learn more here: https://www.tjuniverse.com/
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